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So, Where Were We?

So… Where Were We?

It’s been a minute, right? Life moves along and changes happen, and when the dust settles, we look around in wonder. The questions we ask ourselves are “How did I get here?” and “Where am I going from here?” The obstacles I’ve overcome are numerous, and I’m grateful I made it through them. My daydreams have always been the dangling carrots I’ve used to keep going forward, and as those hopes have become realities, I’m humbled by my Faith and fortitude.

I signed a multi-book contract with a publisher in 2018(Who-Shall-Remain-Unnamed!), and I thought I’d finally reached the top of the mountain. In the following months, I signed a contract with that publisher for a five-book Western series and another deal for an erotic collection. I was looking at eight books being released over a six-year period, and I loved the idea of such consistency.

I wrote three of the Western novels and was prepared to offer another novel for a contract, but I started feeling a bit wary of the company and decided to keep the latest book to myself. I was given the job to be in charge of their erotic division, which helped remove the blinders I’d been wearing.

To be blunt, the promises and assurances were not truthful, and after constantly being thwarted by the ego of the CEO, I began questioning everything. Why was it taking so long to publish one book? Why was there not a marketing plan? Why were some of the authors receiving bills instead of royalty checks? It had been two years, and blaming everything on the pandemic was a weak excuse, especially since the entire world was stuck at home reading books. I needed to escape that deal.

I discussed buying back my rights with my wife. She agreed with my decision, and before I made that move, the publisher (being fed up with my questions) returned all of my rights and works. I was free to do other things with my novels, but I lost close to three years to that company.

I learned valuable lessons, but I can’t get the time back. I’m more cautious now and I will not put all of my eggs in one basket. I started my own publishing companies for some of my work, signed a two-book agreement with an independent press, Motina Books, which follows through on every aspect of the agreement, and I’m shopping six novels in other places. I’m planting seeds in multiple gardens and fertile fields in order to have a bountiful harvest that will feed me for years.

In order to get to the good stuff, bad things must be endured. I’ve come a long way since I first started as a poet, and the road ahead looks smooth. I’ll keep my seat belt on

because experience has taught me to watch for potholes.


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