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The Spreading of Wings

The interesting thing about life is how much it continues to surprise. Everyone thinks they know the path their lives will take, only to look up one day and say to themselves "How the hell did I get here?" 

     Ten years ago, I was a closet writer, only showing snippets to a few. Five years ago I published my first book, and didn't have a clue as to what lay on the road ahead. One year ago I thought I was at my creative zenith, having published a few books, and I'd started a fledgling sports blog 'Voices from the Bleachers' with my brother Brian Hayes and our cousin Ahmed Boyd. Funny how life throws curveballs to remind us that we don't get to decide what comes next.

      'Voices from the Bleachers' has become the go-to for sports information, laughs, and a different outlook on the world of sports. In a year's time, we've expanded to six regular writers, and four guest writers. Guess what? None of them had ever written for public consumption before. Now? Ha! Our Tuesday writer, my cousin Tasha Morris, has a following of her own, and she's expanded her world with the new projects that she's working on, all of which will come to fruition in the next few weeks. My honorary cousin, Raymond Robinson (Double R), is trying his hand at world building, writing fantasy and sci-fi. Our Thursday writer, C. Collette Jones is not only killing it at VFTB, but she's writing for Garden Spices magazine, and I'm pushing her to write for 'Chicken Soup for the Soul.' It'll happen because I'm very pushy. 

      Ahmed Boyd, my cousin and co-conspirator, has no idea that one of his ideas is about to become a reality. Ha! Shhh. Issa secret. Lastly, my brother Brian Hayes, genealogist and historian, is making moves of his own. His journey, as far as tracing our roots, is going to be written down... Yeah. By the way, he's gotten us back to Africa...

         I mentioned 'Laurice; the Rediscovery' the other day, but it has so much potential that I don't even think the writer behind it knows yet. My job is to edit content, schedule posts, and stick my two cents in every now and again. I recommend following and supporting it. Trust me. A woman's path to remembering and rediscovering the person she was before twenty plus years of marriage and kids. It's a whole new world now... Look it up on Facebook, as she unzips her soul to find who she is.

       Yeah, I'm still doing my thing with this blog, plus Marlon's Writings, etc. But in the last year, I've spread my wings and I'm pushing others to spread theirs. It's a movement...

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