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My Vision Board

I was talking to my little girl Junebug, and she mentioned her "Vision Board." I got a bit excited because daydreams, hopes, and visions, only realistic goals when you write them down, or put them on a 'Vision Board.' By the way, Junebug is a grown woman, but she will always be my little girl.😁

I mentioned my 'Vision Board' in passing to my wife Traci, and of course, it became a discussion. My wife and I have our shared goals, and our personal goals, and we've decided to put together a shared 'Vision Board.' Probably doesn't sound too exciting, right? Wrong!

 It's January, 2018 and we know where we will be taking vacations for the next three years. We know where we will be living and how we'll be living in five years. We know the steps we need to take, and the path we need to follow in order to make the things on our 'Vision Boards' and 'Bucket Lists' become realities. That's the purpose of life, right? To live abundantly and to be happy. Exactly.

 I know where I'm going, and how I'm getting there. Make a 'Vision Board' and a plan, then follow it through. Oh, and pray about it. Pray that everything goes the way it's been envisioned. His favor always helps. The journey will be rewarding; "God-willing, and 'da creek don't rise."


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