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Big, Scary Things

I was looking in the mirror, as I shaved today, reflecting on the goals I set for 2016 last year at this time. I'm shaving, not only because I need to, but I'm going to be on an Internet radio show called 'A Vibrant Mix' and I'll be on camera. Can't look bad when people can see you.

Anyway, the goals I set for 2016 were all professional goals, not too many personal ones. I declared to myself I would appear in at least six books. Well, depending on how it's viewed, I surpassed my own goals.

I finished my first novel, Eleven Fifty-Nine in March. It's building a buzz and it hasn't been released yet. Not because it isn't worthy, but because I want it to be traditionally published, where someone else can promote it, choose a cover, and schedule appearances. I'm trying to make it easier on myself. Eleven Fifty-Nine was book one of 2016. I started writing the book in 2014, and Traci Lynn Hayes pushed me to finish it. Done.

While waiting to decide what to do with Eleven Fifty-Nine, I experimented with something new. I matched a picture with a poem, and sent it to one of my beta readers, Gigi Golden. She approved of the idea, but suggested I use original pictures. Great idea. I solicited pictures from friends and family, collaborated with co-conspirator and co-founding partner of The Scribes' Circle, Amy Hunter, and we created 'Perceptions of Beauty,' a coffeetable book. Number two of 2016.

I submitted a poem to a poetry anthology, 'Midnight Dreamers of Yellow Haze,' which was accepted and published. I didn't promote the book very much when I realized the only people getting paid for it were the editors. Not cool at all. It was book three of 2016, though.

I submitted a short story anthology, ' Watching for Potholes', to a publisher in January. They said they liked it, but encouraged me to submit a finished novel first. Well, okay. I sat on it for awhile, adding to it, editing it, and finally releasing it in August. It was actually book five of the year, because another book proceeded it.

I submitted a short story, 'Daddy's Boy,' to an anthology titled 'A Journey of Words.' I was honored to be included, an when I was informed I'd made the cover, I had a long, tearful conversation with my mother about the accomplishment. It goes a bit deeper than just being on the cover. It meant people were starting to notice me.

Meanwhile, I, along with the aforementioned Amy Hunter, formed a group of writers into 'The Scribes' Circle.' It was meant to just be a secret little Facebook group where we let our hair down, telling amusing stories and jokes. Until I realized what we had unwittingly formed. The writers in Scribes' are talented, diverse, original, and any one of us could be a best-selling author. Seriously. If we were a music group, we'd be akin to the Temptations, Beatles, Wu-Tang Clan, or The Wailers. We're currently working on two collective anthologies, as well as cross collaborations and our own projects. You can find us at Meet the Scribes on Facebook, or at our website,

I've also been contributing monthly articles to an online magazine, Gardenspices, and I am also contributing to another online magazine, Remembered Arts. New avenues are opening up as I continue my journey as a writer. Oh, and I have begun experimenting with ebooks, releasing a short story, 'Waiting for Carlita' as a stand alone ebook. It's doing fine, but it hasn't hit the million downloads I hope for. Fingers crossed.

Along the way, in 2016, I lost people in my life due to miscommunication, apathy, or we simply are on different paths. Life happens that way. The people whom you expected to be on the journey with you, sometimes get off at an earlier stop, but the train keeps moving.

2017? Oh my wow! Big, scary things are coming. Can you say screenplay? A New Orleans themed collection titled 'Livin' Easy?' A darker collection titled 'Peeking through the Shades? 'The Love Project?' Did I mention 'Eleven Fifty-Nine' or 'Over the Horizon?' Seems to me as if 2017 is going to be a lot busier than 2016. Yeah, I can't wait.

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