Shedding Pounds
It's the morning after Thanksgiving, and the echoes of yesterday's dinner still resonates in my soul and stomach. Looking at my midsection brings a smiling Buddha to mind, spurring my thoughts to dieting. Exercise, the elimination of fast food, and juicing are possible options. I smile, thinking of the possibilities before me.
Then my smile slowly fades, as my perspicacious brain finds new meaning at the idea of shedding pounds. Reflections on the people in my life, and I ponder dieting from those who keep me bloated with stress and anger.
Drama queens and kings, limelight junkies, and those who only subtract from my life, never adding anything positive or supportive. At dinner yesterday, everyone who was seated there, brought something to the table. Yet, there are people in life who bring nothing to the metaphoric table other than a desire to feast. I wondered at their purpose, but clarity is acting as a guide this morning.
Dieting is the shedding of pounds, or excessive weight. Usually, I always say I'm going to start my journey on Monday, after a weekend of excess. This time, I'm starting today, not by counting calories or eliminating meat. No, today is the day I eliminate the unnecessary contributors to my soul's obesity. I doubt if they'll even notice my absence, but I'm certain their disappearance will help me shed pounds of frustration, anger, stress, and other toxins. I'll be healthy again soon...