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One day I'll get around to telling the tale of the last two months because it would make for an entertaining fictional tale. The story would contain gossip, drama, bloodshed, retribution, duplicity, betrayal, and suspense. The only issue I see in the tale is it's true. Nonfiction at its finest, but I have to wait for the rest of the dominoes to fall, because all stories need an ending, whether we like the conclusion or not.     In the meantime, I've learned more about myself than I ever really wanted to know. The world I once knew has tilted, and I'm still making sense of it all. Writing has been a welcome friend, helping me to vent, laugh, and explore new ideas and challenges. I'm trying to get back to a sense of normalcy, while still forging ahead.     Things change. That's all there is to it. I've changed. The wit and humor are still present, but not as abundant as they once were. Cynicism has risen, causing me to beware of the company I keep, lest I find myself unable to silence bitter words. In essence, I'm not the same person I use to be. At long last, 'GoodTime Charlie' has been laid to rest.    I find myself being too serious, too cerebral, and I'm trying not to be, yet I can't help it. I'm evolving, despite my resistance to change. It's going to be interesting...


Delving deeper into the labyrinth,

Discovering things once unseen.

Climbing spiritually to my zenith,

Focusing on following a dream. 

Shedding unneeded pieces of the past,

Reinventing myself for the road ahead.

Successfully finding myself at last, 

Resurrecting the inner me from the dead.



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