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Blind Spots

Ever wonder how you got to a certain place in life or how shitty events happen to you? I think I have finally figured everything out. LOL.

Oftentimes, we have on blinders when it comes to the people we've let in our lives. As true believers, we think everyone's views on life are like our own, but sadly, it's rarely the way we believe it to be. We place trust in the untrustworthy, faith in the unfaithful, and loyalty to the disloyal. We can't help it, because we want to think the best of everyone, it's our optimism shining through.

When the unmasking happens, when the unveilling of someone's true nature is revealed, we feel even more betrayed because we let our love for them blind us to their weaknesses. The root of most of our personal problems in life is caused by misplaced trust, which makes the betrayal sting even more.

New rule; trust no one until they prove themselves trustworthy. Remove your blinders and see people for who they truly are, not who we want them to be. Lesson learned.

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