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Little Things

Yesterday when I returned home from my 9 to 5, I checked the mail as I always do. I was feeling a little bit down because I've started hating my job again. I made an agreement to stay on my job for another 3 and a half years, or until I make a million dollars. Whichever comes first.

In the mailbox were the usual circulars and bills. Typical Monday stuff. However, rolled up in one of the circulars was a small, handwritten envelope addressed to me. I looked at the return address and I smiled. Sometimes all we need is a little boost, a hug from beyond the borders of our everyday existence. I sat at my kitchen table, smiling, not even opening the card yet. It didn't matter what was on the inside, because the return address had already made my day.

The return address was from a fan/supporter/ relative, whom I've communicated with, but never met in person. It's funny, yet endearing, because she's bought all of my books, including Touching Myself, which is erotic, and not in her wheelhouse at all. She bought it to support me, and she's waiting to give it as a gift to some newly married couple. Sweet, right?

A couple of weeks ago, while mailing out my weekly autographed books, I sent her one on a whim. It was meant as a " Thank You," but she mailed me a check anyway. Inside the envelope was a pretty little card, designed to make the reader feel special and good. I already felt good, just because of the name on the outside of the envelope. Yes, I'll deposit the check, because 42 months will go fast and I need every little bit of money which comes my way.

In this life, the little things which occur on a daily basis may change our views, our moods, and bring a little sunshine into our world. Thank you to my cousin Violet Bivens, down in Alabama, for sending a much needed ray of sunshine into my world. I appreciate you.

" a whim one

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