Funny how it happens...
Someone posted on Facebook "You know you're a writer when (fill in the blank)." Man, most people don't even understand how my mind works...
You Love Gumbo... dontcha?
Whenever any of my friends travel to new places in America, I invariably receive a text or a phone call about places to eat. Of course...
Come on in...
Hey now. Go ahead and take off your shoes and get comfortable. Want a drink? Nah? How about an ice water or a sandwich or sumthin'? You...
The Salt and Pepper Collection...
For those who thought they were getting ready to read a review of Salt n' Pepa's Greatest Hits, this ain't that. If you were expecting a...
Staying in One's Lane in the Workplace
In these harrowing but eye-opening days of sexual harassment, "MeToo," and other offensive actions, there's a fine line to be walked so...
Traveljunkees; The New Addiction
When my friends and family gather these days, after hugs and pleasantries are exchanged, the conversation turns to a familar topic;...
On a Snow Day You can see Forever...
Chicagoland is snowed in. Flights cancelled, schools closed, businesses shut down, and most of us are hunkered down in our homes,...
Things I Know...
I'm not socially awkward, but I am kind of, I think. I remain silent in conversations at parties or gatherings because I have nothing to...
The Attempted Day Off
Friday was a whirlwind of actions, thoughts, and emotions. I ventured past where Denmark Vesey was hung, then I prayed as we saw the...
Your Heroes ain't Mine
Optimism is both a gift and a curse. Half-full glasses of water still ain't full. The things and people I hold sacred probably mean...